Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Making a Good Layout

By Lori Siebert / Rakhmat S.

A lay out is the arrangement of type and art (photos, illustrations or any other visual elements) on paper.

The Elements of Design:
1. Line (garis)
2. Texture (kesan halus-kasar)
3. Space (bentuk / bidang)
4. Size (ukuran)5. Value (nilai gelap terang)
6. Color (warna)

The Principles of Design:
1. Balance (an equal distribution of weight)
2. Emphasis (what stands out most gets noticed first)
3. Rhythm (a pattern created by repeating elements that are varied)
4. Unity (all the elements look like they belong together)

Capturing a moving audience with your message.
You will have only seconds to attract a viewer’s attention in a crowded environment (normally 10 – 15 times your format width).

A poster should:
1. have large type that can be read from the expected viewing distance.
2. have a simple layout (select a few key elements – type and visuals – so the viewer quickly gets the message).
3. Include all important information: date, time, place, etc.
4. Have one dominant element – a headline, visual or logotype – that will quickly attract the eye. 5. Have the most important message emphasized by size, color, or value.
6. Have art that is closely related to its message or subject.
7. Have its type and visuals arranged in logical sequence. (It should read from left to right or top to bottom).
8. Often have unusual or tight croppings on photos. (A tightly cropped photo can be reproduced larger, so it’s easier to see).
9. Have bold, intense colors so it can be easily seen at a distance.

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